An adventure on the Dragon's back...
Not for the faint hearted. Journey time to and fro is about 3.5h.
The treasure map... (Private and confidential)
Instead of taking all the way to the bus terminus on bus 9, alight at the earlier stop-- cape collision. The fare is only hkd3.90 and hike from there.
See this sign? Climb up through the flight of stairs.
Today we are going on the Dragon's Back. Sit tight!!!
Here's a few options. We are going onto Shek O peak. It states 2.5km, but because of the terrain, felt slightly longer. Trust me, it's worth it!!
The initial terrain... Chicken feet! (That's what I thought initially)...
With views along the way to energize us to continue our hike... (We are winners, we ain't quitters!)
The terrain as we near the dragon's back...
... Our reward.. Breathtaking view. Transports you to another island!
Who says HK is just Mai ye, sek ye? (Buy things and eat things?)
Life is what you make of it, isn't it?
Enjoy! What a testimony of God's amazing creation for mankind to be in awe and enjoy.